When we think about communication there comes into mind just the part of message which is spoken. But this may only account for thirty percent of communication whereas seventy percent of communication is nonverbal communication which is everything else but the words.
We generally see that words are not understood by babies in the cribs but they can quickly learn to respond to voices. They can easily understand facial expressions as well.
The examples of non-verbal communication include how we choose to dress, how our voices sound, our body language, how we talk etc.
There are six categories of nonverbal communication:
Paralanguage: Paralanguage refers to “tone of voice”.
Sign Language: Sign language includes forms of oral speech where numbers, punctuation and words have been replaced by gestures.
Gestures and Body Action: Action Language includes all gestures, posture, facial expressions and movements.
Object Language: Object language refers to the display of material things such as art objects, clothes, decoration of a room, physical appearance like hair styles and so on.
Tactile Communication: Tactile communication occurs via touch.
Space and Time Communication: This has to do with how space and time are used to communicate. The most common example here is the use of interpersonal space.
If we look at successful people we will almost always find that they have the ability to communicate with others, either one-to-one or in groups, far more effectively than less successful people.
Resocouple has launched an informational website mycoupletype.com that lets you understand your relationship better. It is dedicated to improve emotional intelligence of your relationship along with better communication skills whether they are verbal or non verbal. These are also the coaching tools for a better relationship.