Relationship and Commitment
Relationship means commitment. A good relationship can be transformed into a successful relationship if there is an actual balance between compromise and commitment. For some of us relationship would mean a great deal of give and take on both sides whereas some would say that a healthy relationship is a combination of love, trust and communication. In order to have a healthy relationship we cannot underestimate the power of respect too. A good relationship cannot be imagined without mutual respect. Respecting your couple means that you listen to him/her and you care about his/her feelings. Be careful not to escalate the arguments however healthy discussions are good for long-lasting relationship.
You never know a small argument or misunderstanding eliminate all your happiness. This situation can be avoided if we know about personality and nature of our partners in advance.
Five different couple types have been defined by a team of sociologists at the University of Geneva Switzerland. From this diversity, five trends have been pulled out. Your relationship is described by one of these trends.
Resocouple has introduced new concepts which are helpful for families, friends and couples who are into a relationship. These products are like coaching tools for a long lasting relationship. With the help of this website you will find out five different couple types: Nest, Castle, Partner, Association, and Side by Side.
New concepts have been introduced in this informational website that will necessarily improve the emotional intelligence of your relationship.
So log on to, fill up a free quiz and know what kind of couple you are?
tnx for info!!…
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