Being nervous is a normal emotional reaction to stressful circumstances. It is quite normal to feel nervous before situations like an upcoming job interview and even before a doctor’s appointment.
Some people are not able to cope up with nervousness and they feel defeated all the time. Generally the signs of nervousness which they show are shaky and sweaty hands, stammering speech and blank mind. It is a circumstantially occurring problem. But for some people, nervousness becomes a problem that interferes with normal life. In general, nervousness is not something to be worried about because it is normal and temporary. If treated properly it can be managed.
By practice you can achieve true calm without the help of tranquilizers. The more you practise, take action and put yourself in situations that may make you nervous the more confident you become. In this way you eventually feel more and more comfortable and less nervous. If you are getting ready for an important interview or a presentation it is advisable to practice your speech so much that you can do it automatically.
Emotional intelligence also plays important role in solving the problems rising due to nervousness. Resocouple has developed an informational website that is dedicated to introducing new concepts that will necessarily improve the emotional intelligence of your relationship.